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All Time Favourites

If the choice is too hard, here are the categories that our customers prefer!

Bestsellers  from  32.99 €

Our most beautiful bouquets... our clients' favourites!

Autumn Bouquets
Autumn Bouquets  from  29.99 €

Air is getting colder, sun more shy, leaves are falling... Autumn is here! Discover our bouquets in the beautiful colours of this season.

Summer  from  32.99 €

Fresh summer flowers collection.

Gift Sets

Chocolate gift boxes, macaroons, candles or champagne to match a bouquet or a plant. A gift to remember!

Best Prices
Best Prices  from  29.00 €

Big and pretty bouquets for small prices!

Florist Choice
Florist Choice  from  29.99 €

A seasonal bouquet composed by the creativity and know-how of our florists. Will you give it a try?