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Dazzling Dahlias

Dazzling Dahlias

  • This bouquet is guaranteed to delight no matter the occasion
  • Created in collaboration with a local florist
  • A mix of delicate flowers make this composition one-of-a-kind
Product temporarily unavailable

This is a seasonal product.

Currently not available for purchase.
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to help you express your emotions.
Europe n1
Number 1 in Europe:
Our flowers are delivered internationally through
a network of more than 54000 florists.
Local florists:
Your flower bouquet is
made by a local florist.
Freshness guaranteed:
Our flowers our locally produced
and delivered fresh in water.
Product information
Dahlias are one of the most beautiful flowers in the late summer and autumn. It is a seasonal bloom so enjoy it while you can. Maybe with this lovely and colourful bouquet filled with dahlias. Vase not included.
Product delivered under 48 hours during week days. Product code: BOU13_66