Same day delivery Worldwide delivery Seasonal flowers
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Flower from the Grower

Flowers directly from the French supplier! If you want a bouquet identical to its photo, this range will suit you perfectly. Delivery in a box, within 24 hours by carrier. Our roses are grown in a family producer Max Havelaar Fairtrade certified, and our seasonal flowers like the lily of the valley or peonies are produced in France in a family grower certified Fleurs de France.

✓ French Fresh Seasonal Flowers  ✓ Track&Trace code  ✓ Directly from the Grower

A long lasting relationship:
Since more than 30 years, we are by your side
to help you express your emotions.
Europe n1
Number 1 in Europe:
Our flowers are delivered internationally through
a network of more than 54000 florists.
Local florists:
Your flower bouquet
is made by a local florist.
Freshness guaranteed:
Our flowers our locally produced
and delivered fresh in water.